Import Production Data (.tag)

  1. To import TAG (.tag) files, click the More icon (vertical ellipses) on the Actions bar and select Imports > Production Data.

  2. Browse for files or drag-and-drop them from your directory into the Import Files field.

  3. Do not close the window until all files have been imported. When files have been processed, select Finish.

Note: For linework files, you must also select the type of units used when creating the linework. For .ttm files, you must also select the file type.

  1. Select Import when done.

  2. Do not close the window until all files have been imported. When files have been processed, select Finish.

  3. In the Project Files window, ensure the imported files appear in Selected Files.

  4. To remove a file from the project, select the file and select Remove. To remove a file permanently from WorksOS, select the file and select the Delete icon.

  5. Click Save.