Filters and Metrics

FAQ: Elevation Filter (First, Last, Lowest, & Highest Pass) impact on volumes


How do Elevation Filters (First, Last, Lowest and Highest Pass) impact my Volumes?


Elevation Filters impact Volumes by selecting a hard coded pass that meets certain time or elevation requirements that supersedes other logic.

By default WorksOS without any Elevation Filters applied calculates the Last Pass prior the ‘From’ surface to the Last Pass within the ‘To’ surface.

  • Applying a First Pass Elevation Filter will look at the First Pass by time within the ‘From’ and/or ‘To’ surfaces and will not go back to the Last Pass prior to these. It is literally the first time machine(s) pass over the ground within the Filtered period - this will alter the state of the ground from previous Last Pass.

  • Applying a Last Pass Filter will look at the Last Pass by time within the ‘From’ and/or ‘To’ surfaces.

  • Applying a Lowest Pass will look at the Lowest Pass by elevation within the ‘From’ and/or ‘To’ surfaces.

  • Applying a Highest Pass will look at the Highest Pass by elevation within the ‘From’ and/or ‘To’ surfaces.

Applying any Elevation Filter when only using a single Filter in a Volume calculation will result in a 0 volume calculated as you are comparing the ‘From’ and ‘To’ surfaces to the same hard-coded pass which is the same filtered surface. Elevation Filters should only be used when two separate Saved (Favorite) Filters are applied in Work Completed calculations.

Note: Applying an Elevation Filter will exclude any Surveyed Surface data in WorksOS and only use Machine Data.

FAQ: Machine Name filter impact on volumes


How do Machine Name filters impact my volumes?


Machine Name filters impact volumes by restricting the data used in the ‘From’ and ‘To’ surfaces to only the selected machine(s) - can be multiple.

By default, WorksOS displays data and calculates volumes for all machines, unless you specify what machines you want to restrict this to in the Machine Name filters.

Applying a Machine Name filter will exclude any Surveyed Surface data in WorksOS and only use machine data. When a Machine Name filter is applied, only surfaces based on that machine(s) surface data and nothing else.

FAQ: Surveyed Surface impact on volumes


How do Surveyed Surfaces impact my volumes?


Surveyed Surfaces can be used as an original ground for a project before any machine data was recorded. They can also be used for an ‘as-at’ state of the project stating at a certain point in time this was deemed to be the truth for how the Project surface looked.

Surveyed Surfaces work on the basis on the Surveyed Date that is specified when the Surveyed Surface is imported into WorksOS. This Surveyed Date works in two ways with Machine Data:

  • Any Machine Data in the same area as the Surveyed Surface that is dated prior to the Survey Date will be superseded by the Surveyed Surface.

  • Any Machine Data in the same area as the Surveyed Surface that is dated after the Surveyed Surface will supersede it.

Surveyed Surfaces can combine with machine data to form a composite of the two where there are both data types in an area see the two rules above. Where there is both data types in different areas, both data types will be used as a composite. A Project Extents calculation will go back to the first recorded surface for the project, whether it is an original ground Surveyed Surface or the first Machine Pass to determine the starting point.

FAQ: Elevation Filter gives 0 volume


Why does applying an Elevation Filter on the Dashboard give me 0 volume answers in Work Completed Widgets?


Selecting an Elevation Filter as a Global Filter or as a Widget Filter will cause "Work Completed" Widgets to give 0 volume answers.

The reason is on the Dashboard, Work Completed Widgets only perform Volumes calculations for a single surface (ie filter) not like the Map Page Work Completed calculation that can perform surface-to-surface (i.e., filter to filter) calculations.

If a user applies a 'Lowest' Elevation Filter on the Dashboard either as a Global or Widget Filter then you are asking from the Lowest Pass to the Lowest Pass for the same single surface which is the same pass and no volume difference hence 0 volume being given as an answer. If a user does not apply an Elevation Filter then by default the Work Completed Widgets on the Dashboard perform their calculations from the First Pass to Last Pass of the single surface which will result in a Volumes answer.

Note: You can still use an Elevation Filter for Work Remaining Widgets on the Dashboard as they compare the single surface (ie filter) to a Design. Ie Lowest Pass to a Design will result in a Volumes answer. Also using a Work Completed Calculation on the Map Page with two different Surfaces (ie Saved Filters) will which will also result in a Volumea answer.