Import Drone Imagery (.tiff)

You can import GeoTIFF files (.tiff format with raster orthoimagery from Trimble Stratus or other 3rd party software) into WorksOS. After import, you can use a GeoTIFF as the background image for your project over the map. As your project progresses, you can import additional GeoTIFFs of the same area that show the different phases of work being completed. The most recent image is the default top image. When you change the date of your view, the corresponding drone image will appear.

GeoTIFFs are raster images with georeference and geocoding information. WorksOS uses just the orthoimagery data in the file, not any survey data.

Tip:  As a best practice, have the drone operator or Stratus tech name the file using this data and time.

Note:  GeoTIFF files can take hours to import, so choose the appropriate file carefully. During the import process, you can see the stages in the Notifications pane.

Note:  To be valid in WorksOS, GeoTIFF files must be georeferenced in the WGS84 coordinate system (CS), the coordinate reference system (CRS) embedded into the GeoTIFF data. The WGS84 is an ellipsoidal 2D CS based on a spheroid that utilizes angular units, i.e., degrees. Stratus also supports multiple other CRSs. 

Note:  As your project progresses, you can import additional GeoTIFFs that show the different phases of work being completed. The most recent image is the default top image. When you change the date of your view, the corresponding drone image will appear.

7. Toggle Drone Imagery off. You can also hide individual drone images by toggling them off in the imported files pane shown above.