Selected Filters

Selected Filters

There are two types of Dashboard filters:

  • Global filters are applied to the Dashboard and control filters in all widgets.

  • Widget filters are applied to individual widgets. These filters can be added to or used to override global filters.

These filters are ‘sticky’, which means Dashboards retain their filter settings when you log out and back in, which saves you from having to reselect filters each time.

Configure Global Filters

  1. Click the Global Filters icon (sliders) on the Actions bar at the upper right.

  2. Expand each filter and select one or more options as needed. Some filters allow multiple selections.

As you choose options, they appear at the top of the pane.

  1. When you have a lot of options, you can also use Search to find the ones you need, as well as click the Sort icon to list them alphabetically.

4. Click Apply when you are done. The Map view, Dashboard, and its widgets are updated based on the global filters.
Numbers next to the
Global Filters icon and filters indicate how many filters are applied. Any widget you add to the Dashboard inherits the global filters from now on.

5. To view which filters are applied to the dashboard and widgets, hover over (desktop) or press and hold (mobile) any filter icon.