Create, Edit, and Archive Projects

Accounts and projects are shared between Trimble WorksManager and Trimble WorksOS so that when you create a project in one application, it is visible and accessible in the other app. A project will be ready for use in WorksOS once it is created in WorksManager.

This connection between WorksManager and WorksOS also applies when you share projects with other users in your account. If you create a project in WorksOS, other users you have shared with will automatically have access and administrative rights, without needing to go to WorksManager.

Note: Currently, all user management, such as adding/removing users to/from projects, is done in WorksManager. See articles in the Learning Guides section of the WorksManager Resource Center for more information. Additional users (who did not create the project) need to be added to a project in WorksManager.

Note: A project created in WorksManager is ready to use in WorksOS once you have changed it to 3D-enabled.